Welcome to FibreMax's Festive Phone Greetings!

Elevate Your Holiday Season with Custom Phone Greetings

'Tis the season to spread cheer and gratitude! Welcome December with a warm embrace for your valued customers. A custom Christmas phone greeting sets the perfect tone for the holiday season, leaving a lasting impression of goodwill and appreciation.

Why a Custom Phone Greeting?

A Welcome Greeting for December

Greeting During Closure

Welcoming the New Year

A custom Christmas greeting is a great way to get your business name in front of potential customers.

Hear the Difference!

Select from a curated list of talented voice artists who bring your message to life. Want to add an extra
sprinkle of holiday joy? Opt for our delightful background music at an additional cost.

Ready to Spread Holiday Cheer?

Click here to fill out our quick form. Provide us with some details about your business and your preferred greeting. Feel free to add your personal touch, and we’ll bring it to life!

Let's Make this Holiday Season Unforgettable!

Choose your Festive Voice
click here

Let's Make this Holiday Season Unforgettable!

Choose your Festive Voice


The cost of a custom phone greeting varies depending on whether you are an existing FibreMax customer or not. For FibreMax Customers, the pricing is as follows: – 1 Message: $85 – 2 Messages: $130 – 3 Messages: $180 For Non-FibreMax Customers, the pricing is: – 1 Message: $120 – 2 Messages: $185 – 3 Messages: $250 Please note that these prices are for standard voice recordings and includes GST. If you wish to add joyful holiday music to your greeting, there is an additional cost of $20 per message. We offer competitive pricing to ensure you get the best value for your holiday greetings!

The option to add joyful holiday music is available at an additional cost of only $20.

Absolutely! You have the option to provide your own message, and our talented voice artists will bring it
to life.

Welcome Greetings for December must be submitted on or before November 24th. For all other messages, please submit your order on or before December 10th. To ensure prompt delivery, kindly submit your order here.

Of course! Visit our Voice Artists page to listen to samples and choose the one that resonates
with your brand.

Elevate your customer experience this holiday season. Connect with us at sales@fibremax.com.au or call 1800 880 881